As I’ve shifted more of my attention to working on climate change mitigation, I’ve wondered how NYC (where I live) will be impacted in the coming decades. Recently, I’ve been working on a project that attempts to shed some light on that question.

Using NYC Open Data sets, I’ve been writing an analysis of how sea level rise and extreme weather events will affect housing in the city. For anyone who has lived here in the years since the pandemic, there’s a keen awareness that the price of housing has risen dramatically, and adding more extreme weather into the mix isn’t likely to make the situation better.

The analysis is written in Python and relies on GeoPandas for wrangling and rendering data. GeoPandas (and the libraries it relies on) are nothing less than amazing, so it’s been great getting some hands-on experience with them.

The project is still very much a work in progress, but as of this writing the initial section is complete. You can check it out here.